IB Resources
I've been part of the IB Diploma Program at Cameron Heights Collegiate Institute since September 2023 (Pre-IB 2021-2023). Here are the resources that I created for myself while preparing for the IB program.
My Courses (ordered by Group Number) are as follows. My school's IB offerings are quite limited, so my choice of HLs (higher levels) was quite restrictive (which explains my "strange" HL choices as a math-favouring student). However, I made the most of it.
English A - Language and Literature [HL]
French B [SL]
Psychology [HL]
Chemistry [HL]
Mathematics Analysis and Approaches [SL]
Physics [SL]
Except for Physics (May 2024), I will be writing all of these exams in May 2025.
As of right now (February 2025), I'm not sure if I'll end up creating something for every course because some of them (e.g. English A / Psychology) involve "specific information" (e.g. information about specific texts / specific studies in psychology etc.), but who knows.
I may also update some of these after the exams to keep them up to date with the most recent curriculum after exams, but I don't have time for that right now.

IB Physics SL
Exam: May 2024
Pages: 127
This is a complete set of notes for the IB Physics I created for myself in April 2024. It covers all the information required for the IB exams from 2016 to 2024. Although the 2025 exams follow a slightly differently organized curriculum, nearly all of this information is still completely relevant in the new exams.
Despite not being the best at physics, I really enjoyed this subject. I might create an updated set of notes after I'm done with my May 2025 exams to familiarize myself with these concepts again.