Code Reference

A list of random programs that I have written for general use. They are not difficult programs at all. The purpose of putting them here is so that they could be transformed and placed into other programs to do more complicated things. They are all written in Python.

Disclaimer: The programs may not be extremely well-written

Non-Recursive Factorial

factorial = 1

n = int(input())

for i in range(n, 1, -1):



Recursive Factorial

def factorial(n):

  if n == 0:

    f = 1


    f = n*factorial(n-1)

  return f


n = int(input())


Sieve of Eratosthenes - Prime Number Generator

N = int(input())

isPrime = [False, False]

for i in range(2, N+1):


j = 2

while (j <= int(N**0.5)):

  if isPrime[j] == True:

    for k in range(2*j, N+1, j):

      isPrime[k] = False


for l in range(N):

  if isPrime[l] == True:


Blog Post about the Sieve of Eratosthenes