Cameron Heights Cube Club

The club's official website is

This page used to be the official page until it got a website of its own. The original page on my website is kept here for legacy purposes and likely won't be updated again.

Important Information

Time: Monday at Lunch (10:50 - 11:50)

Location: B116

Please bring your own cube if you are able to

Google Classroom Code: h57rpa2

Cameron Heights Cube Club Ranking 2024

Ranking List

In order to add a little bit of competitiveness to our club, we have a ranking list based off of the Elo rating system. Points are gained or lost depending on the margin of victory or defeat, and the relative strength of the two competitors, based on their rating (points). The ranking list is updated every month. 

The official top 10 ranking list for July 2024 is as follows:

Cameron Cube Championship

The Cameron Cube Championship is the most prestigious tournament held by the club. It is held at the end of the year, after a year of club tournaments. Similar to the FIDE World Chess Championship, the Cameron Cube Championship is a match between the defending champion from the previous year and a challenger, decided by the Candidates Tournament, a round-robin tournament held in February.

The current Cameron Champion is Matthew Liu, who defended his title most recently against Cameron #3 Maharshi Patel. He first won the title in 2023, after defeating then-Cameron #2 Lucas Potocean.