This page was created August 25, 2021
This page was last updated April 2, 2023
School Work vs. Non-School Work
School is great, it teaches you things, you get to experience many experiences that you don't experience without school, and it's also great for social reasons. However, it does have its shortcomings. Personally, I want a bit more freedom in how I take my projects. My philosophy has always been: "Be ambitious. Have ambitious goals, work as hard as possible, but use failures as a stepping stone to another success". School has deadlines. Now, I am NOT against deadlines. In fact, I incorporate deadlines into my non-school work. But what I mean is that five months, the duration of a school semester is usually not long enough for some of my more ambitious goals. I like to work on these projects, as it pushes my skillset and mental toughness to the limit, and I learn a lot from, not just in terms of information, but also experiences. In late June 2021, I decided that I wanted to do whatever I could to achieve something amazing outside of school. My father always says, "Don't just be ordinary. You need to be extra-ordinary (extraordinary)". Although I'm far from that, I'm doing my best.
This page contains both school projects that I liked and did well in, as well as projects that I did on my own

Statistical Report
In December 2022, as a Grade 10 Student, taking the Grade 12 Data Management Course (MDM 4UI), the biggest summative assignment that was assigned was a personal statistical investigation of a topic of my choice. I decided to do a statistical analysis on the top speedcubing results in two similar puzzles, the 5×5 cube and the 6×6 cube and looked at their relationships.
This was a very interesting project, as I was able to connect my own personal interest in speedcubing with a school project in a subject that I enjoyed a lot.
In January 2023, when the assignment grade of 99% was returned, I was told by my teacher that this report was "one of the best statistical reports I've ever seen."
Big Prime Numbers
Prime Numbers are numbers that can only evenly divide into themselves and 1. For example, the number 7 is prime because the only way it can be split up is into groups of 1, or groups of 7 (itself). 6, on the other hand, is not a prime number, because although you can also split 6 into groups of 1, or groups of 6 (itself), it can also be split into two groups of 3 or three groups of 2. A number is only prime if it only divides evenly into 1 and itself.
For anyone interested, here are the prime numbers up to 100:
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97
Prime Numbers have always fascinated me. Nothing was more out of this world to me than a big number that is resistant enough to not divide into anything smaller than it, a number that can't be broken up into equal groups. I wish to learn more about the mathematics involved in prime numbers, as properties of prime numbers are still a relatively unknown topic in number theory and mathematics. Though I'll need to learn more about other fields of mathematics first as a foundation before analyzing something that is so simple to comprehend, but so difficult to make conclusions for. For this reason, I am currently sticking with just FINDING large primes, rather than working on things like the twin prime conjecture, which is an unsolved problem about the gaps between prime numbers.
The page about Big Prime Numbers can be found here.